October 26, 2010
"Kiss your black ass goodbye."
"Fuck you, you bastard."
"I knew you needed me."
"A promise from the Priest is for keeps."
Burke inspires random loyalty,
Through it's never shown why.
The Priest is stabbed -- bye!
Who is this, holding Hawkins?
Is it the shower guy?
Didn't he already die?
Got whacked in the face --
Wrenched Burke in the same place.
Final battle ensues,
And Burke immediately seems doomed.
Losing fast --
All his deus ex machina past?
In the fight: a lull.
Where did our shower-shanker go?
Burke descends the stairs,
Testing if shower guy still cares.
A running saw, a kick.
The two almost get mulched.
Over-the-rail toss;
Cue authority reinforcements.
The rioters catch up with Burke,
But leave the shower "guard" to his work.
"Time to bleed!"
Despite high kicks, this fight "guard" leads.
These sound effects sound sturdy.
Rip off shirt --
Burke bunts "guard" in to an oven?
Slo-mo yell!
Focus on primal dwell.
Holy crap --
Shower guy is still well!
Shower-shanker is the Sandman,
And.. oh man,
He puts out his own fire.
Sandman.. just laughs.
Helpful headjerk;
No more of that, hey, Burke?
"Let the man through."
It's amazing that
Burke didn't lose a nipple;
Chest all lacerated.
Praise is concentrated.
Flip to swarming outdoor authority.
Burke carries out Hawkins.
Mr. 786229,
Skip jail, next time.