October 28, 2010
We start with a bridge,
And under it, sugar-snortage.
Who is this disgruntled snorter,
Feigning Francophone heritage?
Frenchie gets killed;
Lit on fire, as it were.
His scene ends with, "Lyon--!"
But alas, he is not home.
Enter Leeyon Gawteeyay,
My favorite steroid poster boy in French beret.
Ah, he is in the Foreign Legion --
To get out of this, will he pray?
Discipline measures await;
Though, he escapes, hefting weights.
Solid kicks
Take down 3 sturdy Legion dicks.
He steals a Jeep.
Were the guards asleep?
The chase is soon abandoned;
In the desert, is Lyon stranded?
Hooray: the ocean.
Did he walk all day?
It's hard to say.
The search can continue.
The ship thugs sure are lazy,
Lyon brazenly stands.
Is his ship's captain crazy?
He's sure a pissy bitch.
If Lyon constantly shovels coal,
When will he run out?
Told to stay down below,
It is above he does go.
Mr. Capy-tan is pissed;
Too bad he missed
The obvious idea
To jump, with land so near.
Lyon should phone Phil Collins,
Seeing as his sister-in-law's
Phone number is toast.
Under a different bridge: some brawlin'.
"Do you want to fight?"
Hesitancy, but, yes.
Lyon's jeans look too tight,
Pants stay whole; high kicks succeed, this fight.
A quick win gives Lyon
An undying-ly interested manager.
The duo is on;
Lyon pays for lunch.