Van Damme versus Derailed (I)

May 19, 2011

2002: Van Damme
Stars in Derailed.
Begin: a car fails
Inside a military base.

Cheesy intro;
He sneaks in to a building,
Meeting a woman
Who cues porn theme.

Our hero sneaks in to Vienna --
Van Damme emerges.
In to a café,
Wherein Baldy divulges.

$50,000 USD.
Super-spy JCVD tells his wife
They'll soon rebegin
Their housing, and life.

Asian son kicks one;
The kids are teens.
Are all of Europe's
Streets cobbled?

Lady Spy, Guy Spy Jack
Run off from a Slovak attack.
This plot putters on track.
Acrobatics ensue to the military dudes.

Aww, man; this plot smells cheesy.
Random romance-subplot chemistry;
The wife, she no please?
A divorce, I foresee.

A chase! A taxi!
Sparkles a-twitter.
Random staircase slo-mo:
A-crashin' everyone a-go-go.

An upturned gas truck,
A gas station..
A power wire..

Trainstation, 16 minutes in.
"This calls for some finesse;
Something you don't understand."
A sneak-off planned?

Costume change;
The sneak uncovered.
They got eyeballed
By a [Hcleet]* guard.

A seat-change,
A swank bar.
Cowboy asshole.
"The limey's got a good sense of humor."

* Bill's notes suck. Acleet? Hcleet? Pcleet? What IS that word?