October 28, 2010
Again, a joy.
Followed now by rumple-faced bodyguard.
"I said, that's a nice bike."
Hey, you: take a hike.
Foreign Legion gives our hero hell;
Lyon kicks a thug from a stairwell.
One thug punches Lyon in a hole.
The bodyguard makes a dramatic appearance.
A scene with a Mexican doctor;
Mention of a broken rib can be ignored.
Eldridge brings Lyon to Helen's door:
"You owe him a minute of your time."
"Is this about drugs?"
Forget that, hug! No?
"I'm here to help you!"
"Did you see my new bike?"
"Mommy, is he still a stranger?"
Nope, Uncle Lyon, personal Power Ranger.
This little girl has two line variations:
"Bike?" and "Stranger?"
Potential foe on TV
The bodyguard does show.
Foreign Legion thugs get bribed.
Lyon will still be taken --after-- though.
Lyon falls in to his uncle role;
With it, Helen's hostilities go.
He plans to couch-surf
Until a potential hubby shows.
The bodyguard drinks, too?
Bah, bosslady keeps shmoozing.. ew.
Gawd, she's creepy.
The fights are taped.
"Mr. Lionheart is going to eat
This bozo for breakfast."
Aw shit --
This Attila guy's move is snapping pelvises.
The boss looks apprehensive.
Or not.
The kid plays with ducks.
Is Helen falling for Lyon?
Lyon bets his dough
On himself.
Attila is fucking study..
This fight could get dirty.
"Do you think that Cynthia
Gives a flying fuck about you?"
Ah, Lyon: the softie.
He a-gunna get his ass kicked.
Attila looks like the pool
Challenger, in spandex.
With that broken rib,
Can this Jean-Claude character succumb to sex?
Who did Eldridge bet on?
Was it Lyon?
That wouldn't advance the plot.
Cue rock music.
"No mercy."
Lyon spots the ringside Legionaries.
He looks unimpressed.
Attila: well-dressed.
Will Attila fight in his suit?
Nope: more spandex. Ooo-ahh.
"He's toying with him!"
Guttural threatening growl.
First hit: ribs!
Attila is way stronger.
Can Lyon hang on much longer?
"No mercy", indeed.
"Stay down, damnit!"
Hello, kitty;
My, aren't you pretty?
"This dude's gunna kill your ass!"
Looks bad.
Attila's rad.
Lyon's getting fucked.
He's outta luck.
Crap, Eldridge bet on Attila.
Lyon finds the rage to get up.
Clap if you believe in fairies.
Flying kick to Attila's mug--!